Inclusive Business Sweden
Mike Debelak

Inclusive Business Sweden is the Swedish national center for the advancement of inclusive business initiatives at the BoP. The purpose of the center is to engage and support Swedish organizations in sustainable, innovative and inclusive business models at the BoP. The not-for-profit centre serves as a platform for creating awareness of inclusive business, facilitating collaboration between organizations, as well as for connecting and supporting organizations to create opportunities associated with the billions at the base of the pyramid.

Lab Contact

Lab Leader:
Mike Debelak
Mike Debelak is Australian and moved to Sweden in 2008. Mike has 15 years’ experience working in Australia, Asia and Europe, focusing on inclusive business, sustainable development, corporate strategy and management consulting. Since 2009, Mike has worked as a sustainability consultant with a focus on inclusive business. Mike initially completed research focussed on distribution to the base of the pyramid, which included performing field studies in Ghana. This research was published into a book “The Bumpy Road to the BoP”, and is the basis for the development of inclusive business networks in Ghana, Vietnam and Peru. Mike has also been involved in the CSR Europe initiative "Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth at the BoP". In addition, Mike has delivered sustainability-consulting assignments for several clients, including Volvo Group and the United Nations Development Programme. In Australia, Mike worked for two organizations – Westpac, Australia’s largest financial services organisation, and Accenture, one of the world’s largest management consulting firms. As the Senior Manager of Westpac’s corporate strategy team, Mike worked closely with the executive team in the development and implementation of their business strategy. For Accenture, Mike provided a number of strategic advisory, program management and consulting services for clients in Australia and Asia.