INCAE Business School
Urs Jäger
Center for Entrepreneurship at INCAE is an initiative that studies, supports, and promotes successful new business creation in Latin America, with a particular emphasis on ventures relating to non-traditional exports and technology innovations.
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Lab Leader:

Urs Jäger
Urs Jäger is Associate Professor at the INCAE Business School (Costa Rica/Nicaragua), Research Director of CiC-VIVA TRUST, Associate Professor (Privatdozent) at the Centro Latinoamericano-Suizo de la Universidad de San Gallen (CLS-HSG: University of St.Gallen, Switzerland) and the author/editor of numerous articles and five books, including the co-edited book with Vijay Sathe: Strategy and Competitiveness in Latin American Markets: The Sustainability Frontier (Edward Elgar).